Prevent Weak Heart Before It's Too Late

Weak heart or bad heart can be said as heart failure. Many people think that heart failure or a weak heart is a condition when the heart does not work at all, but the correct definition is that the heart muscle weakens and cannot pump blood effectively throughout the body. This condition can also be called congestive heart failure. The condition of heart failure is not always able to recover as before, especially if it has entered an advanced stage. In the initial stages, the symptoms and effects of cardiac weakness are still not felt or are still minimal. But if left untreated, the disease will progress to a more severe stage where the sufferer can become difficult in carrying out daily activities. Nevertheless, this condition can be controlled and prevented so that patients can still improve their quality of life and live longer.

Precautions for heart failure

Heart failure or a weak heart can be prevented in the following ways:
  • Recognize risk factors for weak heart

  • Congestive heart failure or weak heart can be prevented by controlling the underlying conditions or risk factors. The conditions that cover it include:
    - Coronary heart disease, which is narrowed arteries due to accumulation of fat in the heart's blood vessels.
    - High blood pressure. If your blood pressure is high then the work of the heart in circulating blood throughout the body becomes even more severe. The impact over time will make the heart weak.
    - Arrhythmia is a condition where the rhythm of the heartbeat is disturbed due to a problem in the electrical activity of the heart.
    - Heart valve disease. The heart valve functions to prevent the backflow of blood pumped by the heart. If the heart valve is problematic, then over time the heart can weaken.
    - obesity. People who are overweight are more at risk of developing a weak heart.
    - Damage to the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy) due to infection; congenital heart disease; certain diseases such as amyloidosis and connective tissue disorders; drug abuse and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages; and side effects of certain chemotherapy drugs.
  • Take the initiative to consult a doctor

  • If you have a risk that can result in heart failure or a weak heart, consult a doctor immediately. Your doctor will help monitor your heart condition on an ongoing basis. You also need to start living a healthier lifestyle or taking prescription drugs.
  • Get used to eating healthy foods

  • Maintaining a healthy body by eating healthy foods can prevent the heart from working harder. Prioritize consumption of healthy foods sourced from vegetables, fruits and whole grains or whole grains, as well as healthy fats and lean meats.
  • Reducing salt intake

  • The nature of salt is to absorb excess water in the body which can ultimately increase blood pressure and force the heart to work harder. From now on, reduce salt intake in your diet.
  • Stop smoking

  • Stop smoking if you want to avoid heart failure or a weak heart. For those of you who don't smoke, you should also avoid exposure to secondhand smoke. Active or passive smokers risk increasing blood pressure to cause a weak heart.
  • Exercise regularly

  • To improve blood circulation and strengthen the heart, do physical exercise or exercise regularly. Routine exercise coupled with a healthy pattern can also help maintain ideal body weight. Consult with your doctor about exercise programs that are suitable for your physical condition.
  • Manage stress

  • Stress or negative feelings include anxiety, anger, and sadness, the risk of increasing blood pressure. In the end the potential to experience heart failure or a weak heart. To anticipate this kind of condition, try to manage stress well, for example by doing fun leisure activities or doing your hobby.
  • Get enough rest

  • Enough rest will make your body and heart also rest. The optimal sleep time for adults is 7-9 hours per day. If you experience difficulty falling asleep, try to consult a doctor to get the right treatment.
Heart failure or a weak heart is indeed a serious illness. However, some of the above can reduce your risk of a weak heart, and prevent the severity of a weak heart condition. Before it's too late, love your heart and take precautions as early as possible.


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